Monday, May 5, 2008

Gosh Yarn It! at CNCH

Wow! Gosh Yarn It! had a gosh darn good show at the Conference of Northern California Handweavers at Doubletree Inn, Sacramento. Hip and cool, GYI!'s exhibit was a hit with conference-goers. Mother and daughter team Jennifer and Joey Tan displayed terrific tools, totes, and twisty yarns. They also demonstrated some super spinning and crafty crocheting.
It was definitely a family event as husband Rick (that's me), with sons Ricky and Wilson, helped with display set-up and take-down. The weekend was a tremendous success, and lots of fun!


Joey Tan said...

wow! You really are blogging! That was really fun when we went! (I'm Joey Tan)!

Tan Family said...

You are blogging! How exciting!! :)